Wednesday, 29 August 2012

GOD does not have a FaceBook account

I have enough free time or you can say I am a FaceBook addict (but I am not), so I login to FB multiple times a day. And every time I login, I see a God’s photo or a religious update on one or other friend’s profile; presently the Hindu-Muslim riots photographs in Assam & Mumbai are the prominent ones (I am sure most of them are morphed). On seeing so many religious updates sometimes I worry if GOD has a FaceBook account; Ya, that can be the only reason everyone is eager to show their love for the God (infact religion) in here.
This reminds me of a story about an innocent child’s faith on GOD, which I read during my school times. A child writes a letter to GOD, requesting him for Rs.100. He didn’t know God’s address, so he posted it with a title ‘TO GOD’ without any address on the envelope. The post officer checked the letter while collecting it from the post box, and he didn’t want to break little child’s faith on GOD so, he replied him back with Rs.50 note in it. On receiving the money, the child was very happy and he replied GOD with a thanks letter and writes a complaint also “I am sure you must have sent Rs.100 for me, but these corrupt Post Office Employees steal half my money and I just received 50Rs. Next time please send me the money through courier only”

I am not sure if the people on FB are that innocent or stupid. I used this word stupid because today I saw a picture on FB with a stupid comment; seriously a stupid one, so I could not stop myself from mentioning it here. Someone please tell these people that, if your prayers could be answered by just sharing a photo then there wouldn’t be so many sadhu’s out there looking for solitude in Himalayas and places like Banaras, Varanasi & during Kumbh melas; that’s another thing that even they didn’t get a glimpse of the GOD.
I am not denying it; earlier I also used to like those religious photographs or share it. But now, enough of it; I am not that free to share or like a thing on your request or order. Some times I wonder, how the world would have been without religion? I don’t know about the world but FB would definitely have been clean and less clumsy. Of course Mark Zuckerberg’s earnings would certainly be reduced as most of the Indian traffic on the site is because of these updates only. Some times I doubt that it might be a tactic used by FB Co. itself to increase the traffic on their site.

Whatever it is, but that’s for sure we people have totally lost the basic fundamentals of Religion and GOD. All that we care about now is to prove our religion better than the other; all that we want now is larger number of shares of our GOD’s photo than that of other religion. There are so many pages on all the networking sites explaining the falsehood and wrong practices of other religions. Why don’t we just mind our own business, infact I should say our own Religion. Why we are always poking nose in other’s Religions. And mind it; Religion is a personal thing; your devotion to GOD or anybody else is your personal matter, so keep it up to you.  Don’t display your affections publically; if you are so eager to do that go to some temple or join some NGO and help the needy ones, display your love for the humanity, don’t just waste your time and others on FaceBook, GOD does not have any FB account to check your updates.

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