Thursday, 15 August 2013

Happy Independence Day?

We are a free country! Or we say so...... But in my view these are sixty six years of freedom but not independence. There's still so much that ails this country. More annoying is that we don’t do anything even when we are aware of the issues.

After a bloody struggle for independence did India get what she wanted?
Independence – Independence from slavery, poverty, Hunger, corruption, lawlessness? Or was it meant to be, Independence from Britishers only? 
We have an ever-burgeoning population, ever-increasing rates of inflation and to add on to it, an inflated amount of dissatisfaction. We need to get Independence from all these ailments.
India’s population stands at 1.27 billion and soon we will top the charts. Still there are no checks on it and it’s pretty difficult in an uneducated country like ours, where still children are considered ‘Bhagwan ki dain’, where buying a condom is considered to be a shameful act. We need freedom from such narrow mindedness.
Where are India’s daughters? In a country where majority of the gods are female, the sex ratio is astonishingly low; 940 girls for 1000 boys and in states like Punjab and Haryana its alarming 893:1000 and 880:1000. Can we call ourselves educated? With rape cases ever increasing and home abuse so common, can we say our girls are enjoying independence?
A survey conducted by Transparency International ranked India 94th on the corruption index. So much black money stashed in foreign accounts and never ending corruption charges on almost every politician. Today’s politicians follow Gandhi but the only Gandhi, imprinted on the currency note. And they say “Poverty is a state of mind”. With more than 20% of India’s population going hungry, is this just a state of mind? We need independence from such ministers.
Religion, supposed to unite and bind; but in our country we get only bloodshed, mass murder and wrath all on the name of religion. In a so called secular country there are countless riots on the name of religion. We are for sure free from the English but slaves to the politicians.
This is the land of lawlessness – Jumping a traffic signal, switching lanes without a signal, run over someone and you will get off scot-free because of your political status, women are raped and groped every passing minute – law and order is almost non-existing.... almost.
In my view it would have been great, if Indians would have freed themselves from these ailments, doesn’t matter under Britishers or present oppressors.

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